Saturday, February 3, 2024

Rainbow at the End of a Hard Week

What a week! Friday night Keagan broke his fingers in six places while in the weight room with the team. Madi texted me: I can’t believe this happened. Wait! Yes, I can! 

My feelings exactly!

He was home Saturday to pick up his pain meds from the pharmacy so he could maybe sleep through the night. 

Wednesday night Smokey was hit by a car. Keagan was devastated with the loss. We all are, but especially Keagan. He was the absolute best cat!

After several appointments, he went in for surgery on Thursday morning. 

He had three pins placed in his middle finger. He can’t play video games, do school work, play soccer, or even stay awake without pain. He was back home Thursday afternoon while recovering. 

His long, painful week could not be made better with mango nectar, lemon cake, or oatmeal cookies - all attempts on my part to make him feel better. 

But this came in today’s mail, and it did the trick! I think he said, “Oh. My Gosh!” a thousand times while opening the package.

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