Sunday, February 18, 2024

Happy 50th

We don’t typically celebrate birthdays, but this year, for my 50th, I wanted to go downtown for a nice meal. I made reservations a month ago for an early bird time. Vikki asked, “Was no other time available? Why 5:15?” 

The. Sunset. I wanted to see the sky in all kinds of colors as the sun set. It was not to be, though.

Vikki and Jamie joined us at the restaurant where we had a not-so terrific view of the sunset, but we had a beautiful view of the city at night from the 34th floor. 

We all ordered steaks, had fries tossed in duck fat, and dessert. Who knew fries could be this good? They had me at duck fat. 

After a big meal and a glass (or two) of wine, I was ready for bed. We make 50 and almost 50 look good - even if we have early bed times!

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