Monday, January 15, 2024

Sn❄️w Fun!

The prediction for this weekend’s snow total have been all over the place: 10, 6, 3, and last night it was 2. This morning we have 3.5 inches and it is still falling. 

After banana pancakes for breakfast, the boys took to it playing World Cup PK shootout. They have the whistles and the crowd cheers down like they are in a stadium. It’s 9 degrees! Why is Germany not wearing underwear?  

I’m not going anywhere in this mess. The gym is closed. We have food to last us until the weekend. I have steak bites in the slow cooker; homemade chimichurri sauce resting in the fridge; cookies in the oven. I’m hanging out with my friend Expedia and  planning vacations this afternoon and I’ll be wrapped in blankets reading a book tonight. There’s nothing better! 

I’m hoping we get another day tomorrow to do it all over again! 

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