Sunday, February 20, 2022

Weekend of Soccer

Spring soccer means ID camps. We have a list of schools we are hoping to tour and a list of camps Keagan hopes to attend. With two of our showcase tournaments canceled, we feel the pressure to get in front of as many coaches as possible. This weekend marked the first, of hopefully many stops. 

Keagan and I flew to Charlotte for an ID camp. We took the car rental to our first stop, Lenoir Rhyne. Keagan likes this school because it has all of the programs he’s interested in studying, has a soccer program, and 30% of the students are athletes.  The town is small, but it’s very close to the city. These are all pluses in his school selection criteria, but this ID camp is not until April.

Sunday he attended the Wingate ID camp. This town was even smaller than the one we visited on Saturday, but the campus was a little nicer.

He had a great showing until his knee cap popped out of place. We got a chance to spend the rest of camp in the sports medicine facility. Clearly this is not a great start to our big spring plans, but we are trying to roll with it and not give up hope. We have two weeks until the next planned camp.

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