Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The Game in Pics

Wednesday night’s make-up game was a win! We had a final score of 3-0, but we had 10-12 shots that were just wide or just slightly above the crossbar. The score doesn’t indicate we had a strong offensive push, but we did. We dominated. 

(I cleaned out Evan’s soccer bag on Saturday. I found these shoes wrapped in tape. He told me they were his practice cleats, but I see in this picture he’s wearing the shoes that are ripped and taped back together in a game. A.GAME. I guess he plans to wear them until they disinigrate.)

Evan had a tremendous save in the box when the goalie came out too far and got caught too high. He saved the goal with his leg.

Keagan had a corner kick that fell right in front of Evan. Evan attempted a header; our photographer captured it here. However, the ball fell slightly wide. 

Tuesday night we are on the road. These games are the highlights of my week. I’m soaking it all up as much as I can. 

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