Thursday, March 18, 2021

Academic Achievement

Tonight was the CMC Education Foundation’s virtual academic award ceremony. Students within the school district that maintained an average of 93% or higher throughout high school were honored. 

Evan pulled out his certificate from his backpack and threw his honors cord on the counter. This is not how I planned to celebrate academic excellence, but such are the times. I found the video slideshow only after a friend sent me a link. I assure you Evan didn’t think twice about it and could not care less about missing out on an opportunity to wear something other than a hoodie. I’m the only one wishing the event was live. 😂

Congratulations, Evan! We are so proud of you and your accomplishments. 

1 comment:

  1. We are so very proud of Evan and this honor..All done with athletics and hard work..and a Mom and Dad that kept him focused..Love you..Nonnie and Grandaddy.
