Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The Game in Pics

Wednesday night’s make-up game was a win! We had a final score of 3-0, but we had 10-12 shots that were just wide or just slightly above the crossbar. The score doesn’t indicate we had a strong offensive push, but we did. We dominated. 

(I cleaned out Evan’s soccer bag on Saturday. I found these shoes wrapped in tape. He told me they were his practice cleats, but I see in this picture he’s wearing the shoes that are ripped and taped back together in a game. A.GAME. I guess he plans to wear them until they disinigrate.)

Evan had a tremendous save in the box when the goalie came out too far and got caught too high. He saved the goal with his leg.

Keagan had a corner kick that fell right in front of Evan. Evan attempted a header; our photographer captured it here. However, the ball fell slightly wide. 

Tuesday night we are on the road. These games are the highlights of my week. I’m soaking it all up as much as I can. 

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

District Win #2

Tonight was our district win #2. We won with 25 minutes left to play due to the mercy rule score of 9-0. 
Evan had the final assist that ended the game, and his defensive line had a shut out. Here’s a video I found from Friday night’s game of his clearing a ball from a corner throw-in.  

Keagan had two assists and the eighth goal. Here’s his first assist. 

It started raining, and it was all I could do to keep my umbrella up, much less record anything. If we can keep the rain at bay, we play again tomorrow. My two boys participated in four of tonight’s goals. That’s basically half. Half of the team’s goals. 

These are the best days!

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Thunder and Lightning Strike

We played our first high school district game tonight. We won 8-1.

We were able to string together a starting line up that made sense, and we picked up a couple of lower classmen that were instrumental in the defense.  Is there anything better than watching my boys play together again? Yes! Yes, there is! 

And it was this play. The best play I’ve ever seen! 

Keagan served up a perfect ball from the corner to the box, and Evan scored! The center back scored! This play made my night. The smile on Evan’s face after scoring is priceless. The girls were there to see it as well!

Keagan finished the night with three assists and a goal scored on a PK. His first assist was played to Kenyon within two minutes of the start of the game. Here’s the celebration.

And the PK.

Oh, please let there be more of this! 

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Game Time

Finally! After two rainouts this week, the high school team was able to play today on a turf field. I have been anticipating this for so long, and after last year’s abrupt end to the season, I am so excited to finally watch both boys on the field together. Thunder and Lightening are back together. Keagan plays CDM and Evan plays CB. 

Someone today asked which two were the brothers. I pointed them out, and she said, “Oh, I get it now. One looks like the mom and one looks like the dad.” But sometimes their mannerisms and the sound of their voices are very similar. Case in point. Both are dishing out advice to the ref just making sure he didn’t miss anything. 

But today was not our day. It was our first chance to play together, and it showed. We lost both games pretty badly. I hope we can put something together before next week’s district game. 

The highlight was catching up with our travel team friends. 

Let’s hope the boys can string something together, the coach can create a new lineup, or the parents can drum up a miracle in the next two days. We need something to happen before our next game. 

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Academic Achievement

Tonight was the CMC Education Foundation’s virtual academic award ceremony. Students within the school district that maintained an average of 93% or higher throughout high school were honored. 

Evan pulled out his certificate from his backpack and threw his honors cord on the counter. This is not how I planned to celebrate academic excellence, but such are the times. I found the video slideshow only after a friend sent me a link. I assure you Evan didn’t think twice about it and could not care less about missing out on an opportunity to wear something other than a hoodie. I’m the only one wishing the event was live. 😂

Congratulations, Evan! We are so proud of you and your accomplishments. 

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

This Month in Home Renovation

A new month. A new home project. I envision it. Wes executes it. This month we tackled the half bath off the laundry room. The before picture. 

My Pinterest inspired look includes - insert gasp - wallpaper!

I love the paper and wall color! Next on my list is to replace the boob lights in the hallways. 

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Best Times End in Tan Lines

The best times end in tan lines. Unless you are Wes and you leave with sunburned feet. Every. Time. We wrapped up our week at the beach hanging out in the sand 

and eating a late, late lunch at the Meltdown. 

We all agree 30A was beautiful and the weather was perfect all week, but the bicycle gangs and crowds of teens ruined the atmosphere for me. I asked Keagan if he would want to return next spring break, and he said, “It doesn’t feel like vacation unless we leave the country.” 😂 He’s bougie and doesn’t know it. 

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Regional Champions

Although Evan’s travel soccer team completed its Mid South regional games in October, a couple of teams had to make up games in January and February. The hurricanes in early fall forced one team to postpone games and another team was not allowed to play in state due to state imposed Covid restrictions. Therefore, a champion was never named. We learned today all make up games were finally played and NUSA won first place in the Mid South Conference. 

This means we advance to the Southern Regional tournament in June as the Mid-South Champions instead of as the Tennessee State Champions. 

Unfortunately, we are scheduled to fly to Peru the week of this tourney. My life long dream to see Machu Picchu has alluded us thus far. Peru still has a mandatory 10 day quarantine, so I’ll be surprised if we get to make the trip this year, too. We may be in South Carolina for soccer after all.

Beach Hoppin’

Today’s adventures included stops at various beach towns on 30A. We did some beach hoppin’. Our first stop was Rosemary Beach. I loved the beautiful live oak trees that draped across 30A like the trees do in Savannah. But the architecture of the cottages and houses was awe inspiring. It reminded us of both Germany and Spain. I loved all of the houses, but this one stuck out for me because it is appropriately named Town Hall.

Next stop was Alys Beach where all of the buildings are beautifully done in white. It reminded us of Crete. 

We drove back to Sea Grove, our home base, for our late lunch of shrimp tacos. 

Our last stop included ice cream and people watching in Seaside. 

After a long run on the beach and another beautiful sunset, 

we had dinner delivered and put five pieces in the 1000 piece puzzle. 

Keagan didn’t think puzzles sounded exciting enough, so he left us to hang out with his girl. 

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Deep Sea Fishing

Evan has been so excited about getting to go deep sea fishing this week. I made a reservation more than a month ago, but the captain called this morning and said the waters were too rough today. Evan was very upset. We booked a last minute trip in the bay, instead, hoping for calmer waters, but it just wasn’t the same.

Evan caught ten Spanish mackerels, and we plan to eat them tonight for dinner. However, he still has an itch to deep sea fish. I’m not sure we can swing another trip this week, so I guess that means we will have to come back in July.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Beachin’ Day 2

Early morning fishing was at the top of today’s agenda for Evan. 

The family adventure included bike rides to Deer Lake State Park. 

The sand dunes here were beautiful! 

We had lunch at The Hub and rode back to the condo for naps and today’s Bundasliga game. The beach was warmer today, but there’s no way Keagan and I are getting in the water. 

Evan and I had icecream for dinner in Seaside at the Green Bowl. This evening’s fun includes FIFA and puzzles. 


We haven’t been on a vacation together in almost two years. We haven’t been to the beach in four years. This week we are spending our spring break, our last spring break with Evan, on 30A on Santa Rosa Beach. The sunshine, the blue water, and white sands are just what we needed. 

We are here with every RHS tenth grade female. Keagan had lunch with them all in Seaside today.

The boys will be benched at next week’s soccer games for missing this week of practice, but they are still putting in work. 

The sunsets are amazing. 

The night fishing is excellent! Evan caught a pompano and a Gulf Kingfish tonight. 

And we have a full week of this!