Thursday, February 4, 2021

Final Tour

Evan and I were up real early for the trip to East Tennessee and an official tour of UT. We stopped for brunch in Kingston and found it to be just meh. We stopped for lunch in Knoxville after our tour and it was less than meh. While the food failed to impress us, our tour of the campus was great! We had great tour guides, and in what seemed like five minutes, we had completed our 1.5 hour tour. Our first stop was the Business School where we stopped to hear about an investment class and the fun fact that there are no Friday classes in the business school. At our second stop, Evan leaned over and said, “As boring as the stock market might be, I think I could learn to love it with no class on Fridays.” At our third stop, we learned student tickets to football games are only $10. When the family from New Jersey asked if there was any tailgating on game day, Evan had to stifle a laugh. He later told me, “Even Vandy, who can’t win even one game, has students tailgating at 0930 on game day mornings.”  At stop five, we walked the first floor of the library. Evan spotted the math student assistance center and committed it to memory. “I’m pretty sure I’ll need that place one day.”

Decision time is upon us. Will it be Go Blazers! or Go Vols!?

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