Monday, September 28, 2020

Weekend Travels

Evan’s soccer team played in Montgomery. Alabama this weekend. While there are no soccer highlights worth mentioning beyond the win, we spent Sunday morning on the Civil Rights Trail in the downtown area. 

I’m currently teaching a unit on Rosa Parks, and her famous bus scene is part of our discussion. I was super excited to be able to see her arrest site and museum - even if it was just concrete with a sign. Evan was not nearly as thrilled with this morning stop, but he did it with no complaints.

We also made a stop at the church MLK, Jr pastored.

Then we headed to the Civil Rights Museum. Of course nothing was open, but we got out of the hotel and got a chance to soak up the last of the summer sun.

Evan and I got home last night at 9:30. We are stumbling through the first day of a new week already looking forward to next weekend and sleep. 

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