Saturday, September 5, 2020

Start to Soccer Season

Three weeks ago I thought Keagan’s travel soccer season was over before it began. Our coach moved out of state. We only rostered 14 players, our best midfielder is out for the year, and then our CB broke a bone in his cheek right before state league competition began. I thought for sure nothing good could come from such a sorry start. 

I mean it’s picture time, and we can’t even wear the same uniform. 

But what I failed to see was the heart of the fourteen players on the field. We won last weekend 3-0 with conservative substitutions that left us with nine players on the field for some of the game. It was hot; the boys were exhausted, and yet they kept persevering.

Saturday night we won 2-1 after the ref dished out two red cards and four yellows. As a result, we are playing down a man tomorrow. And in the hottest part of the day with only eleven field players we won state league game number three 5-2. What a great weekend of soccer! To top it off, we get to do it all over again next weekend!

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