Today I came back from grocery shopping with two pounds of ground beef. Wes asked, “Is this all the meat you could find? What will we eat this week?” The first week of our quarantine I expected shortages due to the rush, but we are heading into week four now and everyone has meat but me. Why are they all still buying it?
I couldn’t help but think we are reliving events in our recent history, the events we learn about in high school related to WW2, with long lines, food shortages, purchase limits, and fights over the last of anything. (This week it was a fight over the last parking spot.) We are experiencing today what will be in my grandchildren’s history books. The boys and I have been volunteering with food distribution to hungry kids in our community. The lack of proper nutrition and just food, in general, is real.
While we wait for this mess to end, the boys are still training at home.

I’m spending money. This week I bought two rugs and new stools for the kitchen. Evan can now sit on a stool and eat at the bar.

Wes has a making music at all hours of the day and night. He’s officially become an old man rising at 4:45 every.single.morning and drinking coffee all hours of the day. Now if his hummingbirds would return he’d be occupied all weekend long.