Saturday, December 14, 2019

Home Improvement

We bought a twenty year old house this summer. The previous owner had begun updating the house when they bought it ten years ago. Although new to us, I knew their updates would need some of my own updates.

We started by painting the master bedroom gray  to match the master bath. 

Then it was the front porch. Here’s the before. 

We found three coats of paint under the top coat. All were sanded off of the concrete. 

Then we stained it gray. I love it!

Next up was adding bookshelves to the loft. 

My dad has little by little helped us change the plug covers and outlet covers from cream to white. It’s made a huge difference! Now if I could find white central vacuum hose covers! 

Then we removed the dirty brown carpet in the master bedroom and Keagan’s bedroom. We replaced it with a gray. 

Next up was ripping out the carpet on the stairs 

and replacing it with stained wood. 

The flooring guy is returning in January to sand and stain the hardwood floors on the first floor to match the stairs. 

This has turned out to be so much fun! I can’t wait to do the kitchen and my craft room this summer. 

1 comment:

  1. Looks wonderful..Lovely home even before the changes...
