Wednesday, August 7, 2019

First Day of School

It’s the first day of school for the boys and the third day in third grade for me. Both boys are in high school and I’m only 29 years old. 😂 Really, I can’t believe I’m this old. In my mind they are still this age. 

The students were released at 11:00 today after a short meet and greet with each teacher. After school, the boys met Evan’s friends (the varsity basketball team) at Waffle House for breakfast. They had quite the experience. Evan became upset when his biscuts and gravy were delayed getting out of the kitchen. Evan had to say something to the waitress, and Keagan got super embarrassed. The waitress got attitude and Evan left stomping mad mumbling, “It doesn’t matter if you have the job of the president or a waitressing job at Waffle House, you should put your best effort into your work. She wasn’t even trying.” He decided to leave, walked to the front cashier to pay, and the waitress asked for his ticket. Unfamiliar with “tickets” and procedures for paying for food at a diner, he had thrown it away. She made him dig it out of the trash. He dug it out, paid. and left. He wasn’t even on 24 yet when his friends called and told him the waitress was demanding an apology for attempting to steal food. She even threatened to email the highschool basketball coach! 

Evan said to me later tonight, “I knew we should have gone to Huddle House!”

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