Saturday, March 16, 2019

Craft Day

My girlfriends and I made some cute Easter signs this weekend. The boys always think I buy these in the store, so I have to show pics to prove I did all of the work. Today I had paint all over my hands for further proof! 

I ended the night at First Tennessee Park watching the local pro team play soccer. As we were leaving, a drunk man stumbled into Evan after missing a step or two in the parking garage. Evan was like, “Dude!” We we’re both afraid he was about to yak on Evan; it was clear he already had with spittle hanging on the bottom of his chin. We laughed all the way to the car, but I’m pretty sure my 16 year old would have made sure this grown man’s St Patrick’s Day was a memorable one if he had. 

It was a great day filled with some of my favorite people! 

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