Monday, November 26, 2018

They Missed Him

While we were living it up out West, the middle school basketball team had a game Monday night. The team lost. Big. The boys looked bad. After the Game, the boys went wild running through showers, yelling, acting silly. A fellow eighth grader said, “You wouldn’t be acting this way if Keagan was here.” Then he broke down in tears - embarrassed that his team was in such disarray. After a long pep talk and a “we’ll get ‘em tomorrow guys,” Coach went home and told his wife, “I’m flying Keagan back for Tuesday’s game. I can’t handle another game like we had tonight.” Unfortunately, Tuesday’s game was just as bad. Keagan was despondent; he hated missing the games and receiving texts about the scores knowing he wasn’t contributing!

Tonight Keagan was back. And he played the point like he hadn’t missed a week of training. The best part, though? We came home with a Dubba!

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