Friday, September 28, 2018


It’s Homecoming! Last year, Evan was playing soccer this weekend and heartbroken over his breakup with his long time girlfriend. One year later and he has a new love. Although not a very social teen and not wild about school dances, the idea of dressing up was much more palatable when he learned he could wear Cowboys colors!

Funny story. A family new to Rossview posted in a chat that they were military and PCS’ing here from Texas. For homecoming, the mom had gone to the florist to order a mum for her daughter. The florist brought out a potted mum! Suffice it to say, mums are strictly a Texas thing. We did a nice, simple corsage. 

Because I couldn’t decide which I liked better, it’s the full photo collection.

Because I had to. It might be my favorite of us.

“Mom, STOP! What are you doing?”

Pictures. Dinner. Game. Dance. I’m ready for bed and all I did was pictures. 

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