Thursday, September 6, 2018

Evan and Football

Evan: "I love fall. It is my favorite season. I wish I was born on Thanksgiving day like I was supposed to be. That would have been the greatest. Football, food, and presents. But even better than that is today. I think I love the first day of football better than any other day."

Since he was five years old, football season has brought so many extreme emotions for Evan. Excitement, joy, nervousness, agitation, angst, anger. Intense anger at losses. I hope he finds a long term career in broadcasting because no one can pontificate or "feel" football better than he.

I still can't believe he doesn't play the sport. The high school coach hasn't given up trying to persuade him to exchange the shin guards for the helmet. He has a tough sell. Evan knows plenty, and knows that the sport isn't safe. He doesn't mind watching others play, get injured, or suffer, but he has chosen not to play for these very reasons. The internal conflict is so great for him. Our high school football program is not the best in town. If we could win a game or two, Evan just might consider the change. 

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