Friday, September 28, 2018


It’s Homecoming! Last year, Evan was playing soccer this weekend and heartbroken over his breakup with his long time girlfriend. One year later and he has a new love. Although not a very social teen and not wild about school dances, the idea of dressing up was much more palatable when he learned he could wear Cowboys colors!

Funny story. A family new to Rossview posted in a chat that they were military and PCS’ing here from Texas. For homecoming, the mom had gone to the florist to order a mum for her daughter. The florist brought out a potted mum! Suffice it to say, mums are strictly a Texas thing. We did a nice, simple corsage. 

Because I couldn’t decide which I liked better, it’s the full photo collection.

Because I had to. It might be my favorite of us.

“Mom, STOP! What are you doing?”

Pictures. Dinner. Game. Dance. I’m ready for bed and all I did was pictures. 

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Hoco Promposal

Evan texted Madalyn today to tell her he bought a puzzle and wanted to put it together tonight. Madalyn didn’t think a puzzle was a fun way to spend a Saturday night, but she likes Evan enough and agreed to his crazy idea. Little did she know.

The Hoco Promposal. “The only piece I’m missing is you. Hoco 2018?”

She said yes!

Fall Art

Last Saturday I went with a friend to a sign party. We used stencils to make a fall- themed sign.

I brought it home and Evan said it looked like something I could buy from Hobby Lobby. 😉

Then last night I went to a painting class and came home with this. 

Keagan was so impressed he raised his eyebrows in doubt and then looked me in the eye to see if I was joking. I told him, “I’ve got mad paint by number skills.” 

Here’s the proof this didn’t come from the store.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

My Morrie

Evan read “Tuesday’s with Morrie” for his English class. For extra credit, he was tasked with finding his own “Morrie” and conducting an interview. He chose to interview his 91 year old great-grandmother, Moo. Sunday afternoon he interviewed her on the phone.

After Thursday’s soccer practice (yes, he was released Tuesday to play again), he typed his interview answers. (He’s a master procrastinator.) And at 10:56, he glued the final piece on the poster board. 

Moo wants to know if he got a 100. 😊

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Evan and Football

Evan: "I love fall. It is my favorite season. I wish I was born on Thanksgiving day like I was supposed to be. That would have been the greatest. Football, food, and presents. But even better than that is today. I think I love the first day of football better than any other day."

Since he was five years old, football season has brought so many extreme emotions for Evan. Excitement, joy, nervousness, agitation, angst, anger. Intense anger at losses. I hope he finds a long term career in broadcasting because no one can pontificate or "feel" football better than he.

I still can't believe he doesn't play the sport. The high school coach hasn't given up trying to persuade him to exchange the shin guards for the helmet. He has a tough sell. Evan knows plenty, and knows that the sport isn't safe. He doesn't mind watching others play, get injured, or suffer, but he has chosen not to play for these very reasons. The internal conflict is so great for him. Our high school football program is not the best in town. If we could win a game or two, Evan just might consider the change. 

Monday, September 3, 2018

Tournament Finalists

Like every Labor Day weekend for the past six years, we spent the long weekend playing soccer in Murfreesboro. Keagan’s team won the first three games of our first tournament quite easily. We beat Stones River 3-0, Quest 4-1, and our club’s B team 6-0, but by the time the fourth game arrived against Camp Forest, we had nothing left to give. The boys were tired, sore, and hungry. And we played like it. We ended the championship game with a score of 2-3.