Friday, April 14, 2017

Friday Family Fun Day

We are all at home today with no big plans. No school. No work. No games and not even an afternoon practice. The weather is too perfect to be inside, so we drove to Nashville to walk Fort Negley.


While on our tour, Keagan wanted to know what it was like to party in college. More importantly, he decided he wanted to go home and practice beer pong so when he gets to college he will have the game mastered. He reasoned he would be rather good at it since he's good at basketball. We refused to agree to the purchase of red Solo cups and a ping pong ball. 


The view of the skyline was better than the limited Civil War history. I love this city!

No trip to the city is complete without food, so we had lunch at a restaurant downtown near the river. Keagan decided he wanted to go to the bar, slam his fist on the table and demand "the strongest thing you got." He settled for a coke. Love the sense of humor and laughter that comes from this kid!

The afternoon for me was spent on the back porch with a book. Wes wanted to take a nap, but just as he was  dozing, Evan came running down the stairs exclaiming HELP! Wes jumped up to hear Evan explain Keagan got his braces stuck in the carpet. Wes could hear Keagan crying and rushed up the stairs to find him laid out on the floor. Just as he tried to speak calmly and offer some help, Keagan sat up with a fat grin and yelled, " Gotcha!" 

Never a dull moment with this kid!

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