Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Nature Hike

Our morning was spent in Manuel Antonio Nature Preserve. We hired a naturalist to help us locate animals and to explain the significance of what we saw. 


Otherwise, it's just a park with a bunch of trees to us.


We saw several sloths, monkeys, raccoons, insects, and lizards. All of the raccoons we saw wore collars. Biologists are studying their behaviors because in the last three years the animals have become non-nocturnal. Surely humans are responsible for the change in behavior. Interestingly, there was not one mosquito. One species of bats can eat up to 1,000 a night!




We ended our hike at the beaches. My favorite was Las Gemelas. 


But we also visited the south side beach where there were beautiful trees with low lying branches and monkeys. The boys were done at this point and needed naps, as evident in Evan's expression. Late night FaceTime dates with the girlfriend make 6:30 wake ups hard and hiking even harder. 



We bribed the boys with a promise of food for this last shot.

While waiting for dinner at a local restaurant, the boys were laughing about an inside joke they had from many moons back at after school daycare. Keagan mentioned that one boy carried his Playboy with him. Before he could finish his sentence, Wes and I stopped him. Which kid has a nudie magazine at a Christian based daycare? It appears Keagan meant gameboy instead of playboy. Just a minor mixup, but it created a lot of laughs!

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