Tuesday, December 13, 2016

8th Grade Night

Last night the eighth graders were recognized at their last home game of the regular season. 

Look at the attitude! Love it! L-O-V-E it!


Wes and I escorted Evan on the court. By the looks on our faces we are one step from torture. I have no idea why we look so shell shocked. 


Meanwhile, Keagan was living it up in the stands. Coach found him sitting with a gaggle of girls - eighth grade girls at that - and all eyes were on him. Coach asked him what he was doing with girls two years older, and Keagan replied, "That's what I do, Coach." 

When I asked him about it, he said, "Those older girls love me, Mom."

We won the basketball game by a landslide. Evan had an amazing spin move under the basket that almost made me pee my pants. It was that good!

1 comment:

  1. get ready for it..just one of many...proud of our Grandsons...
