Saturday, October 15, 2016

Fall Break

The boys have been on fall break this past week and it has been so relaxing. No homework. No projects. No stress. They have spent the days sleeping, playing soccer, eating me out of house and home, and shooting hoops. However, Keagan made it clear that he needed something exciting to do since most of his friends were taking trips to the beach and Disney World.

Wednesday night we had ice cream for dinner, but that wasn't quite what he had in mind with exciting.

Family Fun Friday included pizza, go-carts, and laser tag. This was more up his alley, but he got accused of shooting little kids in the eye and almost got kicked out of the laser tag room. Evan got his phone shattered when he go-cart was rammed from behind and he has bruises up and down his shins from the "tiny" carts.

And on Saturday we went to the local orchard to pick apples, drink apple cider slushies, and eat fried pies. The trees were bare, so we had to select apples from the country store and there was only one fried pie left on the shelf. We had to split it among the four of us and that was no fun. No fun at all.

I'm not sure that we can report having an exciting fall break, but we did have some great family time. The only way it could have been more perfect is if it included a trip to the beach, a non-shattered phone, and fried pies by the dozen.

Our trip to the beach in December can't come fast enough!

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