Saturday, October 15, 2016

For the Love of Animals

For years Keagan has wanted a dog. We don't have a fenced yard. We are gone every weekend playing soccer. We move frequently. A dog just doesn't fit with our lifestyle, but Keagan is adamant about getting a dog. He has been saving his money to buy a fence for his dog, but when he learned that thousands of dollars would be needed instead of hundreds, he decided to put his money to an even better use.

He decided to donate it to the local animal shelter. He's been saving his dog sitting money, a bit of his birthday money, and his tooth-fairy money for months. He decided today he was ready to part with it all, so he took his $85 to the Animal Shelter.

He was greeted with such kindness and thanked profusely for his donation, but all he really wanted to do was see the animals and pet each and every one of them. However, as soon as he saw the cages, he began to tear up. He texted me and said, "This is the hardest thing I have ever done." True to his word, though, he went to every animal and greeted each one.

He's such a sweet, kind-hearted kid! I'm so proud to call him mine!

I can't wait to surprise him one day with a dog of his own!

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