Sunday, September 27, 2015

Hard Work

I'm exhausted! It's hard work cheering on the sidelines - especially when you have seven games in a weekend - and a brute for a son that loves contact. Evan was lucky this weekend. He only had two fouls called on him - one of them resulting in a bogus yellow card. Since arguing and questioning the referees is a no-go with our coach,  I made sure to make my disagreement known in the most diplomatic way I knew how by saying, "It's okay, Ref, you can make a better call next time."

There's no doubt we deserved a weekend of wins and a championship, but sometimes the Soccer Gods don't see it that way. I'm glad they agreed with us this weekend because the boys looked great! 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Winners in Every Way

Few things bring me more joy than this.

This weekend we finally won first place in the Decatur tournament. After finishing as finalists, two times in a row, it was real sweet to walk away today as winners. I will be the first to admit that it was not well-received by the other team when Keagan stood tall on the winner's stage and yelled, "We conquered Alabama!"

I considered it icing on the cake to be able to watch the games in near perfect weather with out a cloud in the sky. Previous visits to Decatur have not faired nearly as well. I have the mud stains to prove it.
My friends at work say I'm crazy; they don't understand how I could possibly fill my weekends with multiple games and long drives to tournaments. I don't know how they fill their time without any sporting events to attend. There's just so many craft fairs and apple orchards I can visit in the fall before I get homesick for my place on the sidelines.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Fun Run

Today was the school's fun run, a new fundraiser organized by the PTO. I was at work and not able to cheer Keagan on in person, but one of my friends took a few pictures and said Keagan was running so fast, she couldn't get a picture of his face. He was beet red and drenched in sweat after finishing 42 laps. I bet those PTO moms were really upset when they realized the kid with the most laps didn't have one pledge!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Thursday Night Lights

Few things make me happier than this. We kicked off the new football season tonight with a win over our rival school. The final score was 19 to 15. I would be proud if all Evan did was kick off the first play of the game because it was a beautiful high kick!

However, he also plays linebacker, and he tackled the other team's star running back on the thirty yard line as he ran for the in zone. On third down, Evan did it again near the twenty yard line, and those two tackles ensured our win. 
I'm on pins and needles and awaiting his first interception.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Family Fun Day

We have an entire weekend with no games, no practices, and no plans. I don't even know what to do with myself. After watching football all day Saturday, we hit the road on Sunday afternoon to catch some of the sights we have yet to see in Nashville. Our first stop was the Parthenon in Centenniel Park.

It was most impressive but made my desire to see Greece that much greater.

Next up is the Amish Country in Kentucky.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Leading the Team to Victory

The sweetest thing happened today at soccer practice. Keagan was voted as the team's co-captain by his teammates. I could not be prouder. He wears the yellow captain band with such pride and takes his new role very seriously. He will be the first person to encourage his teammates, and he will often be the last player to leave the practice field because he wants to practice his shot one more time. He is an excellent leader. I might be biased, but I think the boys made the perfect choice.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Football Fever

Football ain't football until you get to wear the helmet and pads AND run suicides. This guy doesn't seem to mind at all and even volunteered to be the first one up for Oklahomas last night. I guess he knew better than I when he insisted on wearing his girdle under his pants to practice yesterday.

At the second day of practice, the starters for varsity were announced. Evan was named the starting outside linebacker, strong side. I think it's perfect for him. I'm ready to cheer on my boy and lose my voice at next week's game. I just need to learn something else to yell besides "Get him!"