Monday, April 13, 2015

What a Weekend

What a weekend! This was definitely the biggest tournament the boys have played in, and out of 19 teams, they placed first! They won five of the games easily, but game five was likely a game I will not forget.

First, there were 31 fouls called, five of those were techs. Evan was responsible for one of those. Don't think for a second you can steal the ball from him. If you try, be prepared for a struggle - or an elbow to the face. I feared for my safety at this game. This never bodes well at a youth sporting event. The taunting, the name calling, the sheer lack of respect for the kids. It was all more than I could bear. I wanted to walk out, but I couldn't leave Evan in the gym. So I sat as close to an exit as possible and planned my escape route. Game six, the championship game, was anti-climatic after the previous game. No one cheered or even smiled at the win. The medals were passed out in an empty gym. We won by 21 points, but we were all ready for a stiff drink and home. 
Tomorrow we are back to work and school; we are all praying for rain so a game and a couple of practices will be cancelled. After today, we are in need of a break and some rest!

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