Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Keagan was chosen to represent his class in this year's STEM Expo. His team designed a ramp that would reduce friction and increase the speed of a race car. He and the rest of the group have spent their lunch period this week preparing for tonight's interview and evaluation. It must have helped because the first two judges complimented the team on their use of academic language. Tomorrow morning the winning teams will be announced.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Top Honors

Third quarter awards assembly...and I didn't have to rely upon a soccer mom to take pictures for me. I actually got to go! So there are advantages of not sharing the same week of spring break as the boys afterall.

Keagan received an honor roll certificate and a reading award.

It's almost the end of the school year, but it was great to see him with the boys that we hear so much about.

After the assembly, Keagan's teacher gave out an additional award in the classroom to a student who shows exceptional talent in science. He's never done this before, so Keagan was really excited when he learned he earned it!

Keagan said it was the best day of his life!

Sunday, March 29, 2015


One soccer tournament in the Smokey Mountains, 

One motel room with questionable decor but a wonderful view, 

And one more yellow card added to Man Child's official count

Makes for one priceless weekend with my guy!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Life Skills

We're on the road again. This time we are spending the weekend in Gatlinburg playing soccer. It's 37 degrees and it snowed last night. Where is warm weather? Are we skipping spring this year?

Last night I asked Evan to pack a bag for the overnight trip. He packed two pairs of swim trunks, three pairs of shorts, and three t-shirts. Did I mention it's snowing? Did I mention we are playing soccer? I guess Evan thought we were headed to the beach. Not a bad idea really, but it's not reality. 

Hence, my decision that this summer will be spent on developing life skills: laundry, preparing meals, and dressing for the weather. 

So no beach this spring, but I do have a clear view of the Smokies today. 

Saturday, March 21, 2015


Here we go! Another season of basketball is upon us. Keagan loves this game and I can do nothing to dissuade him from playing. It makes no difference to him that he is in fourth grade, most of his teammates are in sixth grade, and he gets very little court time. He just wants to play.

Unfortunately, our boys have a really tough time winning - especially when we play teams with seventh graders that are already dunking the ball.

We did win one game this weekend, but it was due to a forfeit after the other team was found cheating. When does outdoor soccer begin?

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Double Double

What a game! Evan had 17 points.10 rebounds. MVP of the game. And we beat one of our biggest rivals.

Tip Off

And to think a few months ago he didn't even want to play basketball!

So glad I changed his mind!

Friday, March 13, 2015


We spent our Friday night cheering on Evan on the basketball courts and taking selfies.

We spent Saturday night listening to a little rock and roll.


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Spring Break Fun

It's Spring Break for the boys, and once again I am at work. My spring break is not for another three weeks. 

Vikki and her family are here with us for the week. Yesterday's fun included Air Soft. 

Today's adventure includes a trip to the SEC basketball tournament. 

Guess who they plan to support?

Go, Aggies!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Spring Break

The snow added two extra days to the boys' spring break. One mention of Air Soft on Instagram and we suddenly had a house full of boys and gear. For the first time since Christmas, we pulled out the nice camera and got some shots of the battle.

Evan and Harrison in the far field

E and H

Wes said Evan was taken over by the spirit of General Patton.

Keagan hiding in the brush.

Keagan - before his lesson on camoflauge.

In three short hours, the two dozen sliders, the carrots, the Doritos, six bananas, and two bags of Cuties were gone! Oh, but it was so worth it to have the house filled with laughter.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Snow Again? Say it Ain't So!

We woke up on Thursday to bitter cold, but a beautiful winter wonderland. We spent the day curled up inside Today the boys said forget sledding; we are looking for something a little more exciting.

I love seeing the cars slow down when they come down the street and see this.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

4th Grade Music and the Recorder

We are all at home and it is only 1700. No where to go. No where to be. We are waiting on the six inches of sleet and snow that is supposed to trap us all at home for two or three days. We are affectionately referring to this at Snowcation Part 2.

Meanwhile, we have the beautiful recorder for our evening entertainment.

He can't wait to put on his tie and perform at Arts in the School; he's been practicing with Maybelle as his lone audience member all evening. Better her than me because I can only take Hot Cross Buns so many times. I just wish he would stop playing the recorder in the shower.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Veterinarian in Training

All day Saturday Evan was on the courts playing basketball. His team won both games, and after game two we stopped for a burger and milk shakes. We were thinking life was pretty good.

However, Keagan spent the day hanging out at a friend's house climbing trees, building forts, playing Neef Wars, chillaxin' with the dog, and drinking Root Beer floats.

He told us the next day he was "livin' the life." We went to church, and we hadn't been home ten minutes when I found this.

I'm convinced he will be a veterinarian one day!