Monday, September 1, 2014


We spent the holiday at the movie theater. Although most people frequent the movie theater quite regularly, we have not all four seen a movie in a theater since 2007 when we saw Kung Fu Panda. So a few years have passed, and, thankfully, our tastes in entertainment have changed since our last cinema experience, too. Today we saw the Game Stands Tall, and I learned we can't get away from sports even on the holidays.

After the movie, we played a game of miniature golf. I am proud to say Wes and I remain the reigning putt-putt champs. However, I think we have reached an important milestone in the kids' lives. No one cried today and now that this makes two games in a row without any tears, I think it is safe to say miniature golf is now a fun and enjoyale family activity.

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