Sunday, September 22, 2013

On a Quest for the Perfect Rack of Ribs

Another day in Memphis meant another game or two of soccer and another bar-b-que meal. We will start with the good news. We were finalists in this weekend's tournament! Good stuff. If this picture doesn't confirm my suspicions that ten years ago I gave birth to an Amazon, then I don't know what will. By the way, my boy is the big one in the middle. 

What a great weekend of soccer! If we could wear some color other than the 1980's forest green, then I think we would have perfection.

Next, is the strangest event of the weekend. Three years ago these two boys played for the Gators in Georgia. Today Evan plays for a team out of Kentucky, Dustin lives in Mississippi, and we ran into each other on the soccer fields in Tennessee.

I am even happier to report that we found some wonderful bar-b-que for lunch today. There were no tears shed today on our quest for the perfect rack of ribs; just bar-b-que sauce stained smiles.

And just like that our weekend is over. Stay tuned. We are on the road again next weekend.

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