Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Martin Luther Evan

In second grade Evan championed recycled tire chips on the playground because he hated having his tennis shoes full of sand. In third grade he proposed a third grade kickball tournament because the playground equipment was too crowded. It has only taken two months at the new school, and Evan has found another issue to tackle: He wants the principal to reverse the rule banning football at recess.

On Monday, he was told by one of the fifth grade teachers that he would need to get a petition with at least fifty student signatures supporting the reversed ruling if he was serious about making a change.

Today he got 55 signatures.

Today he was told he needed to write a letter persuading the principal to side with him.

Tonight he wrote the most beautiful letter outlining his "vow" to ensure the boys played with two hand touch.

Tomorrow he presents his letter to the principal.

Just call him Martin Luther Evan or the John Gruden of fifth grade football. Either way, we are super proud of our playground leader. Here's what he wrote:

"If you don't know it yet we have a patition on playing football at recess. We could get hurt, but we've decided if this passes we will play two-hand touch. You might be thinking, Mrs. Haller, "You will probably tackle or push." Once again, we will play two-hand touch. Where we play is right next door to Mrs. Watson's room, so if we do tackle or push, she (or a partner teacher) will see it. If they do onec the following people will tell Evan (me), Nebulan, Marcus, and Davieon. If we don't or something really bad happens you can violate us from football forever. The reason we want to play is football is a very physical sport. By physical I mean a sport that takes energy. All 55 of us have agreed that basketball is getting boring some 55 people just swing the whole 20 mins. of recess, and all of us would rather play football. We have vowed to do just this (with an exception of getting in trouble.) Please approve this.

E.... T....."

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