Sunday, June 30, 2013


The move is officially half way done, and now we will be homeless for the next two weeks. With no where to live and no desire to spend days on end in a hotel room, we headed to Texas for some family time. After cleaning so much my hands cracked, after packing suitcases that would hold anything that we might need in the next three weeks (and then some), and then a very long drive across the Southeast, East Texas never looked so good.

These four spent a whole lot of time in the swimming pool and eating popsicles.

How is that my ten year old is taller than my grandmother? 

Even with temps hovering around 100 degrees, the Toole cousins spent an afternoon playing Gun Wars and basketball.

Without a doubt, the biggest stressor thus far has been moving with the cat. The poor thing suffered fourteen hours in a car, we suffered through hours and hours of her non-stop crying, and then we had to fight off a late night coyote chase that the boys promise almost involved Maybelle as a late night snack. I said it once; I will say it again. Homesteading is looking better by the minute.

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