Monday, February 18, 2013

Copy That!

When Wes was home this weekend, he took the boys to Wal-Mart to buy science fair materials. They came home with the necessary supplies and a pair of walkie talkies. It all seemed like lots of fun until we learned the neighborhood kids also have walkie talkies. Can I say neighborhood fun overload? They have long distance capabilities and do not recognize brick wall barriers. Walkie Talkie technology has obviously made some technological advances in the last few years.

The boys have begun clearing a path in the wood line that leads them to an open field where a small family of deer live. Lately, they have ventured through the thickets to watch the deer and leave apple cores. You might remember that we seem to have a plethora in our house.  On Monday I suggested they take one WT with them and leave one with me. For safety reasons of course. It has nothing to do with the fascination I have with code names and trucker language.
This is an excerpt from Monday's adventure:

10-4, M-to-the-Mom, do you read me?

Loud and clear, Lightning. Be careful in the woods. Over!

We will. We are trying to follow the deer tracks into the clearing. Over.

Be careful. Tell Thunder to watch his step.

Wait! What do you think this is, Mom? It looks like a nest under this tree limb. What do you think is hibernating in here?

Snakes! Stay away, Keagan. I mean it! Stay away!

Some time passes.

Emergency! Emergency! Mom, do you read me? We are in danger! We are being chased!!

Keagan, what is chasing you?


Interestingly enough the snakes stopped their chase just as the house came into view and the tree line cleared into our backyard. Be sure M-to-the Mom was ready for battle...with a walkie-talkie and a shoe.

I think it's safe to say that the boys know what a snake den looks like.


1 comment:

  1. A shoe? Really?! I know you wouldn't get anywhere near close enough for a shoe to be effective. That's hilarious.
