Sunday, February 17, 2013

30,000 Reasons for Loving Our "home" town

One of my best friends from college asked if we would help her and her son Henry with a Flat Stanley project. We were asked to take Flat Henry to special places in our home town and then write about them.

This posed a problem. There are no special places in our Georgian "home" town. What to do?

We decided to become  ex-pats for the day and claim Savannah as our home. Flat Henry would look great standing on River Street! Then we realized we would have to drive to River Street.,not on the one day I don't have to drive!

Our next idea was, of course, the beach. Flat Henry would certainly enjoy some time in the sand. Except the sand gnats are so bad right now none of us wanted to risk losing an ankle, or two, to a nearly invisible bug.

We then discussed an afternoon on the coast dolphin watching. What second grader wouldn't be impressed with dolphins in our own backyard? Evan was sure we could get a photo of a jumping dolphin and photoshop Flat Henry riding the waves with him. That seemed like too much work - even for a best friend!

As our deadline approached, we finally decided it might be fun to take Flat Henry to post and make him a 3rd ID Dog Faced soldier for a day. There is a certain cool factor, with a boy anyway, with big tanks and a fleet of helicopters.

Flat Henry loved it...we think. He didn't have too much to say about it. More importantly, though, we also remembered that there are 30,000 reasons why our home town is special...even if most of them are currently in Afghanistan!

Come for a visit next year, Flat Henry, and you can be a Screamin' Eagle for the Day!

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