Thursday, November 8, 2012

Just Call Me an Old Timer

Another school play. I found myself yawning multiple times wondering if the next state we live in will have a fine arts initiative.
Please say it ain't so.

This year's musical was America Rocks and it took the audience through important events in America's history. Evan's class represented the Wild West; they danced the cotton eyed joe and put on a really great performance. It was so good that I felt a little guilty for hoping we were attending our last school musical.

Of course he had to dress the part of a cowboy so I pulled out the duster Evan wore when he was a cowboy for Halloween seven years ago. Seven years ago! Today it fit him more like a vest.

 Look at those chubby cheeks!

At the end of the play, I checked him out of school early and walked him to the classroom to gather his things. Four kids stopped him and asked, "Hey, Evan! Is THAT your mom?" They looked me up and down and then nodded and mumbled, "OOOHHHH."

Evan later told me, "Don't worry about all of that, Mom. They just can't believe I have a mom that's not 23."

1 comment:

  1. I could relate about the age thing Kacey..Scott Staggers Mom and I were the only ones as room mothers that had some grey hair showing..when Wes was a little boy. Hang in there girl..:)
