Friday, November 2, 2012

Double Digits

Nine short years ago we were celebrating Evan's first birthday in our tiny apartment in Germany.
Today we celebrated his tenth birthday. It is so cliche, but where did the time go?

Ten Things I Love About My Evan

10:  His fear of severe weather. Two tornado warnings within a week and countless hours in the closet, I guess, can do that to you. Don't even get him started with the off-hand reference to an approaching low pressure system.

9: Evan's love for the outdoors. It can be 95 degrees, the boy will be outside playing some sport sweating blood, and it will actually be fun for him.

8: His love for reading - especially when we read something together.

7: Evan's affinity for apples. He eats at least one every single day.

6: Evan's heart for others; especially for the disadvantaged. He's our gentle giant.

5: His quest for understanding right from wrong and defining justice.

4: His competitiveness to win at every single thing he does - even when it gets him kicked out of Sunday School.

3: His opinions. He can argue about anything - even the need for society to rid itself of currency.
Which by the way would lead to less materialism and a greater concern for others.

2: Watching him play his game with such intensity.You'll never see another ten year old with more yellow cards. I call it heart, but the refs seldom agree with me.

1: And the number one reason I love my Evan .....he belongs to me! He's all mine, and I couldn't be prouder!

Happy Birthday, Baby! May all your wishes come true this year!


  1. Happy Birthday, Evan. Your mom is right:
    You are a perfect 10!
    We love you.

  2. Happy birthday to Evan! I would love to meet him in person one day :)

  3. What an awesome post. Happy Birthday, Evan!
