Sunday, May 16, 2010

Saturday is My Favorite Day

"Saturday is my favorite day!" - Keagan reminds us of this every weekend, and if you ask him why, it is always because Saturdays are football game days. But our football game day this weekend almost ended in violence. 

I almost experienced a mutiny when Keagan's football team learned I brought apple slices and grapes for the after game snack. Who wants a bag of chips at 10:00 in the morning after a football game? Apparently all of the five year olds on the Buckeyes. Never mind, we won the game. Never mind, more players scored this week than ever before. There was one little boy that came to the game for a snack, and fruit was not what he had in mind. I got the tears and then the evil eye, and through my gritted teeth, I warned, "Keep it up or I'll bring rice cakes next week." 

Evan's game was better, but I was also not responsible for snacks. Evan threw his first pass that resulted in a touchdown. Can you believe I got it on the FLIP?

If this wasn't enough, the Dolphins won the game with just two minutes to spare. Evan left the field lamenting, "I wish every day was a Saturday!"

Me, too, Boys. Me, too.

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