Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Football Highlights

Despite my screams of "go, go, go", Keagan wants to watch this over and over again. We oblige until it becomes over-the-top-annoying, like after the third time we push replay. A few years ago, I would have made fun of a mom yelling in shrills loud enough to break windows. Today I could care less because it is my boy scoring two touchdowns, a safety, and making eight flag pulls per game. When I see the stares, I want to taunt with something like, "Hey, you'd be doing the same if your son could perform like mine." And then I realize that I have taken football mom to a level that exceeds what I had become as soccer mom. And that was bad. This week I promise to sit quietly on the sidelines. 

I am convinced my poor quality video clips will be shown on some pre-game show on a Saturday afternoon before one nationally televised game. If this doesn't come to fruition (and I can't even begin to imagine why it wouldn't), then I will take comfort in knowing their successes are not figments of my imagination. 

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