Friday, July 31, 2009

Soccer Camp

This week the boys spent a week at soccer camp at the rec center. This is our last camp of the summer! Already? Say it ain't so.

Evan and Coach Gary - I had to give my right arm for this picture! Well, almost anyway.

Keagan and I end the week with a game of Jimmy Neutron. I wasn't really banking on parent participation.

At Friday's "World Cup" Evan scored a goal against a much older player. He celebrated like never before with a huge jump and then the airplane celebratory fly-by.

Evan's UK Elite Soccer Team - On Wednesday he was moved up to the 8-11 year old age group where he played for Coach Gary, a semi-pro player out of London. 

I told the boys that I could live every day like the past two weeks....Football and/or soccer scrimmages in the AM, swim leassons after lunch, trip to the library in the late afternoon, bike rides before dinner, and evenings filled with card games or checkers. And Keagan said, "Don't you get tir
ed of driving the car all those places?"

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