Monday, July 20, 2009

Football Frenzy Begins

Evan had his first day of football camp this morning. For two years he has asked to play football and we have been hesitant to allow him to play. We might be from Texas where football is the sport of choice and Evan might have been able to do a three point stance at 18 months, but we were really hoping that he would find another sport to play. But this spring I relented and signed him up for a week long program. Because this particular camp is non-tackle and a beginner skills camp, I thought it would be a good way to introduce Evan to the game. And I also thought that he would give up the idea of playing football after spending 2.5 hours in the July heat running monotonous drills with kids three and four years older than him. However, today Evan went to camp with a temp of 75 degrees and overcast skies. Strike one for mom. Even if he was the youngest, he was as big as the nine year olds and felt at no disadvantage. Strike two for mom. The drills that the coach demonstrated for the boys were actually quite complicated and kept Evan's attention. Strike three for mom. When we left, I reminded Evan he still had four more days. Again, I was thinking(hoping) he might not be as ethusiastic about playing. However, he response: "Only four?"

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