Saturday, October 12, 2024


We have weekends free. We are not married to soccer tournaments on Saturday or have to attend Church of the Soccer Parent on Sundays. On a whim, I decided last spring to buy season tickets to the theatre and then crossed my fingers we wouldn’t miss any big football games. That didn’t go exactly as planned because our first ticketed show was this weekend during the UTK game.

But that was okay since the game was difficult to watch. The musical was everything I wanted when I hit pay back in May. I feel like I have to see this on Broadway, though. I need to see the choreography with dancers instead of singers who dance. I mean I have the time. Why not book a weekend in NYC to see a line up of musicals? 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Northern Lights

I downloaded an app for Northern Lights last June when we were in Canada on the off chance there would be solar activity. There wasn’t, but I have dreamed of seeing the Northern Lights for years. My phone app sent me an alert Wednesday night just as I was about to doze off that alerted me to the 1% chance I had to see the lights in my back yard. I debated skipping it because I was looking forward to my bed since last Friday night, and the last time I got this alert, I saw nothing. But I forced myself up anyway just in case (I’d hate myself if they were indeed visible and missed it) and caught this. 

Who needs Iceland? 

I joke. I do, because I need to see the green lights too. 

Monday, October 7, 2024

Collegiate Goal

What a night! I’m sleepy. My bed has been so tempting all day after a long weekend and little sleep, but I wouldn’t miss this for anything! Keagan’s first collegiate goal!!!!

After going down a goal in the first half of tonight’s game against Covenant, we were awarded a PK. Keagan motioned to the coach he wanted to take it, and the coach said, “If you are that confident, Keagan, then go ahead. You take it!”

Center backs never score. They never take PKs either. But never say never to Keagan. He tied up the game with his beautiful goal. 

In the last ten minutes, we scored again on a beautiful upper 90 goal. The team is 3-0.

4:15 will hurt tomorrow, but I can sleep this weekend.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Day Two of Weekend Fun

Everyone: “Whatever will you do as an empty nester?”

The answer is everything I have wanted to do but couldn’t do before - live music, comedy shows, and the theatre are my current favorites. 

My flight from Tampa landed at 8:00. I was home just in time to see the last quarter of the UARK and UT game. (Who would have thought we would lose to a unbanked team? This is why college sports is so much more fun to watch than pro.) 

With every 18-30 year old male from Dickson county, Vikki and I met up downtown Sunday night for another rescheduled concert. This time we watched our hometown boy, Koe. 

This crowd differed greatly from Friday night. It was very much the good ol’ boys - very East Texas. He certainly attracts a certain demographic. Vikki and I were the oldest people there. I heard my three favorite songs, and when the final song started, we headed for the exit trying to avoid the crowds, the traffic in a parking garage, and the jammed streets. 

Monday morning will be too early. Tuesday I will feel the effects of Sunday night. But you only live once! 

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Back at It

This weekend was Morgan’s make up Tampa show. I flew to Florida after work, met my friend Jenny at the airport, and Friday night we were listening to Nate, Cole, and Morgan. We spent so much money getting to Tampa not once but twice that I refused to miss an opening act. 

By the look of empty seats, nobody else seemed to care. And, yes, we dressed alike. It wasn’t on purpose but our carry-on bags didn’t hold any other options. 

A sprinkling of rain didn’t stop us from the fun - just stopped our good hair day. We stayed up late, slept in, and ate great food. Where has the Cuban sandwich been all my life?

We somehow timed our visit the weekend in between two hurricanes. How did we get so lucky?