Sunday, October 29, 2023

King of Trash Talk

Evan, the King of Trash Talk, was eager to throw shade at our University of Kentucky friends this weekend. My favorites were, “I’ve pissed in bowls bigger than this” and “If I was a student here and this few number of students were in attendance thirty minutes before kick off, I’d unenroll Monday morning.” 

Evan and Anna made the road trip to Lexington Saturday morning, and this morning I saw on my app that they drove home after midnight and got back into Knox at 0400. Oh, I’m tired just thinking about it. 

Just as I was dozing off on the couch at 8:00, I caught this on the tv screen. 

GBO! 🍊🏈🧡

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Fall Festival at the Botanical Gardens

The last of the warm, fall weather was today; cold, fall weather arrives this week. It was a perfect day to be outside at the botanical gardens. 

I anticipated pumpkin houses dotting the garden landscape. 

I anticipated fall flowers at every turn.

I thought mums would be planted in every corner of every bed.

But I didn’t anticipate a pumpkin mum. Beautiful! 

Today the gardens also celebrated El Dia de Los Muertos so we stopped at the food trucks and had empanadas, conchas, agua frescas, and a spicy pear margarita. Perfection!

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Annual Pumpkin Floral Class

It’s an annual tradition- pumpkin floral class at a local boutique. This year we used green pumpkins that I loved. Our center piece was a green sunflower, but my favorite flower was the blue thistle. 

Even better than the beautiful arrangement was the great company.

What are the chances it lasts through Thanksgiving? 

Monday, October 16, 2023

Winning Streak

The reserve team’s winning streak continues. This week the boys were on the road and came up with a 2-1 win. Keagan is still playing center back and splitting time with two upperclassmen. 

Saturday, October 14, 2023

It’s Great to be a Tennessee Vol

Friday night the family met in Knoxville for the UT and A&M game. We rented a VRBO and made it a weekend trip. Evan attended the live Finebaum show on campus and made it on the SEC network. 

Saturday morning I met Norman, the AGR chef, and had a mimosa in the kitchen. We tailgated at the AGR house. I might not be an alumn, but all my money goes to UTK, so I claim it as my own. I didn’t see any pithy signs this week, but this banner had me. 

We attended the Vol Walk and spirit walk - the very best traditions on game day - even if it means standing for an hour to ensure you get the best spot on the sidewalk. 

And then it was game time! 

What a game! UTK came out on top with a score of 20-13. I said it’s great to be a Tennessee Vol! 

Keagan stayed back in Nashville. The varsity team won 5-2 this afternoon! He went with a group of guys to tonight’s NSC game and watched another big win.

I love how they are all wearing their Trevecca gear! 

Monday, October 9, 2023

Beach Weekend

It’s fall break! All three of our school schedules aligned for the same four day weekend, so we did what we do best. We hit the road for a little vacay at the beach! During the day, the kids played tennis, we soaked up the sun, the girls read books. and we buried our toes in the sand. 

At night, we watched football curled up on the couch, wondered the boardwalk looking for ice cream, played card games, and soaked in the hot tub. 

Wednesday we are all back to early morning alarms, long days, work, and studying. 

Monday, October 2, 2023

Another Dubya

We cheered on Keagan tonight. We met his pod mates. We met up with old travel soccer friends. 

He started and played 40 min of the first half. 

He played 25 min of the second half, and we came away with a 2-0 win. This was probably his best game in a while. 

I realized tonight these last three months are the longest time he’s played without injury or pain since he was 12. 12! For seven years he’s played injured, in pain, or had to sit. What a blessing it has been for him to play this long into the season!