Sunday, March 12, 2023

Culture Shock

I told Evan when he left for college that he could never  return home and remark on how I’ve aged. I told him this will happen. You’ll come home, see my wrinkles or maybe more gray hair, and think, “Gosh! When did Mom get old?” 

This weekend he came home and although he didn’t mention my age or gray hair or wrinkles, he did say, “This is culture shock! I’m coming home and my baby brother is in a foreign country with his girlfriend of four years, my mom is on her knees looking under furniture for her lost glasses, and my dad has Tucker Carlson blaring like we are in a nursing home. What has happened?” 

My response: “Time continues to pass when you are away. And it’s a good thing I looked under the couch because I finally found the Roomba.”

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