Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Ice Ice Baby

What’s the best news a sick teacher can hear on a Monday night? 

❄️ Winter Weather Advisory - Pending Ice Storm ❄️

We woke up to ice and no school! 

Still more ice and snow are expected later today.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Still Chasing a Dream

The recruitment process for college bound athletes is not for the faint of heart. One day you think you have a plan; the next day you are starting over with a new plan. It’s full of disappointments; it’s time consuming. It’s emotionally exhausting. The process seemingly never ends. 

Keagan is constantly researching schools, emailing coaches, and looking for camp dates. But this is Keagan’s dream. He is still working and praying for the perfect fit. This weekend he attended a camp for yet a new school and new program. 


Sunday, January 22, 2023

He Got an ⚽️ffer!

Keagan got an offer today to play soccer at a school in Arkansas! 

One of his former travel coaches is now at this college, and he texted Keagan last night with the offer. Keagan and his teammates have jokingly said that they would follow this guy anywhere (anywhere warm if you ask Keagan ) if it meant that they could play together and play for him. 

What a relief! This is such great news for Keagan!

Friday, January 20, 2023

See Ya Later

Today I said see ya later to my boy. 

He’s finishing winter session this weekend and spring semester begins Monday. He has one tough semester ahead of him loaded with science classes. He’s door dashing for beer money, and he’s working in the kitchen in the AGR house. 

He has his summer internship already lined up and he has a plan for taking his last general education class in June. A few years ago, (like in 2016 when Evan slept instead of taking an advanced math placement test in 7th grade or those multiple occasions in 2017 when he got in the car without shoes,) I would have never dreamed that my kid would be this responsible at 20. But here he is killin’ it! 

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Playin’ In the Rain

We wrapped up travel season tonight - until June anyway - and wouldn’t you know it poured on us the entire 90 minute game. I think it has rained on us more than not this season. 

That’s my #32 wearing pants, a jacket, a beanie, and gloves. Cold and rain are no-goes for my kid. 

He played 70 minutes at center back. CB! He’s never played that position in his life, but he actually did quite well. 

I guess his playing a new position was lost on the seven coaches watching the game, but it minimized the amount of running he had to do. I’m sure his knee said thank you this morning. 

We walked away with another win and the most impressive stat of the defense allowing less than a goal per game. 

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Mid South Winners

Today’s 1-1 draw was actually a win for us. We remain undefeated and end travel season as the USYS National League U19 Premiere Division Mid South Conference champions! The game was physical, dirty, and fairly evenly matched. It was fun to watch because my boy wasn’t rostered and I didn’t have to worry he would get injured. I’m beginning to believe he will never have healthy knees again. 

We have secured a spot in the “playoffs”, the Mid South Regional tournament in Baton Rouge in June. We came home and celebrated with carrot cake. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2023


Smokey was up last night at 0100 chasing balls around the house. I might have said a few bad words listening to him make all that noise in the hallway disturbing my precious sleep. 

Today he was asleep on the couch all afternoon and early evening. I tried waking him up because I didn’t want to say bad words again tonight. He rolled over and did this. 

Smokey. I still wouldn’t trade him, though! 

Student Selfies

My friend: I’m sending this to you because I’m betting you don’t get pics of your boy. 

Me: You are the best and you are correct! I don’t get selfies from my boys!

(This is health science class and the unit this week was learning to properly wrap ankles. When they get to knees, he should teach the class.)