Monday, April 11, 2022

Dogwood Winter

Sunday was Keagan’s ID camp in North Carolina. We drove this time instead of flying. Keagan remained injury free this time, but I have a permanent cramp in my right calf from pressing the gas pedal. My lower back only moves to the right, and I can’t lift my left leg. This is what happens when you drive 15 hours in two days and sit for five hours in metal bleachers. But I’d drive through the snow in the mountains with a bad back and permanent leg cramp for this guy any day. 

We stopped in Knoxville to pick up Evan for a late lunch. Keagan is always enthralled by the size of UTK. This trip he saw a couple of the robots that deliver food to students. His eyes were as big as saucers taking all of that in. I wish I could have heard his thoughts. 

The camp was well-organized, the coaches recognized him, and while I thought he was still playing a bit conservatively, I thought he highlighted some of his best skills with small sided play. However, this go around, he got to play 11v11.

He liked this school’s coach, its modern buildings, and the housing options. I’d love to see him be a bulldog. 

We made it back home without any snow falling on the blooming dogwoods, and dusk brought this beautiful sky. Now all I want to do is lay flat on my back and sleep.

Next time we have a quick weekend turn around? I’m flying. 

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