Due to Covid, there was no formal school sponsored homecoming dance this year. The students created their own events. Madi and her friends coordinated tonight’s pictures and dinner.
We were at the mall Friday night scrambling to find a bow tie to match a green dress after Madi’s pink dress experienced shipping delays caused by Covid. Keagan selected a floral tie with green accents. While we were there, we picked up some socks. Who doesn’t need elephant socks one month before the election?

Keagan loves to dress up, but he was not looking forward to the night. His guy friends weren’t going, and he can only take so much small talk with people who don’t play sports. He would have been happier just hangin’ out with Madi.

The group met downtown for pics.
At 10:30, he was at his guy friend’s house ready for the real fun - a night of down time and video games.