Saturday, August 22, 2020

On the Pitch

Oh, how I wish I was in Atlanta this weekend to see this. (I love how tiny the pennies appear to be on Evan. That’s him wearing yellow.)

But I’m working overtime today to pay for this. 

Both games in today’s tournament were wins. Evan has done a little better every day he has practiced. It has been a slow but steady climb back to the top. Today he just missed a header on a corner. My friend caught it on her camera. 

In tonight’s game he got in the middle of some serious trash talk and a parking lot fight threat when the opposing team was heard repeatedly yelling racial slurs at our players. At the end of the game Evan yelled, “Come get a piece of this! I’ll find you in the parking lot, or you can find me at the Hampton Inn room 209.” 

In the car Wes reminded Evan they were staying in room 204, and Evan said, “We might need to let whoever is in 209 know there could be a problem tonight.”

The boys celebrated two big wins with dinner. Family.

Tomorrow the boys are back at it with two more games.

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