Saturday, August 29, 2020

Soccer Pics

This past weekend in pictures.

I love his short shorts and too small socks.

He’s still the big guy - the others never caught up to him.

He’s always liked a physical game. 

Look at those tree trunks we call thighs.

Sunday, August 23, 2020


What a start to the new season, new team, and new club! With a game three win this morning, the boys advanced to the afternoon championship game. They had a shut-out of 2-0 and took the title. 

Look at that smile. I’m so happy to see Evan so happy. 

H and E have played together all but one year since we moved to Tennessee in 2012. It’s so good to see them together again. 

These boys played together for another club in 2014-2016. They are playing their last year of club ball together again. 

There were no parking lot threats today - just clean fun! This is going to be so much fun to watch!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

On the Pitch

Oh, how I wish I was in Atlanta this weekend to see this. (I love how tiny the pennies appear to be on Evan. That’s him wearing yellow.)

But I’m working overtime today to pay for this. 

Both games in today’s tournament were wins. Evan has done a little better every day he has practiced. It has been a slow but steady climb back to the top. Today he just missed a header on a corner. My friend caught it on her camera. 

In tonight’s game he got in the middle of some serious trash talk and a parking lot fight threat when the opposing team was heard repeatedly yelling racial slurs at our players. At the end of the game Evan yelled, “Come get a piece of this! I’ll find you in the parking lot, or you can find me at the Hampton Inn room 209.” 

In the car Wes reminded Evan they were staying in room 204, and Evan said, “We might need to let whoever is in 209 know there could be a problem tonight.”

The boys celebrated two big wins with dinner. Family.

Tomorrow the boys are back at it with two more games.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Happy Sweet 16

My sweet boy is celebrating his 16th birthday today. 

There’s so much to love about this kid. Where do I possibly begin? Keagan has the greatest sense of humor. No one can make me laugh like he can with his quick wit and jokes. Unfortunately, too few people are privy to this side of him. Even with extended family, he often reverts to his quiet, introverted self and remains serious. They are totally missing out! 

Everyone knows how athletic Keagan is, but this summer he started lifting weights and running again just for the fun of it. His competitive spirit can cause some heated situations on the field and court, but I LOVE his trash talking - unless his opponent is Evan. 

Keagan has few really close friends, but his ties to loyal friends run deep. His standards are high; he has little tolerance for those that are not as committed or those that don’t share the same morals. He has a clear sense of direction for his life and has always cared more for how he views himself rather than caring about how others think of him. 

This kiddo takes his road test in September. He’s wanted to drive since he was three, and he picked out his truck more than a year ago. I can’t wait to see his smile as he takes his first drive in it! 

Happy birthday, Keagan. I love you big!

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Better to See With

This week we picked up Evan’s new glasses. He needs them to drive at night, and since he is driving an hour one way to soccer practice three nights a week, I decided it was probably a good idea to purchase now. Every time I catch Evan wearing them, I have to take a second glance. On one hand I think he looks older and studious, but I also see him as an eight year old wearing his school uniform on his way to elementary school. Love him big!

Saturday, August 8, 2020

College Applications

This is what applying to college in 2020 looks like. 

Evan follows me around the kitchen asking questions while completing applications on his phone. Two down (UAB and UT) and several more to go. He had a list of ten schools he wanted to apply to until I told him you have to pay to apply. 

“Pay? I have to pay! Why?” 

I’ve told him his limit is six; I’ll pay for six applications. What an exciting time! 

Friday, August 7, 2020

Rutledge Falls

Our summer has been anything but eventful. We have reached our limit with stay-at-home measures, so it’s time to explore. Both boys just so happened to make the trip this week to Rutledge Falls. Sunday is was Evan and Makinley. They are now experts at taking themselves on day trips. One drives; the other buys lunch.

Friday it was Keagan and Madilyn’s turn. They went with Madi’s mom. 

Meanwhile, I’m still waiting to get in my pool. 😢