Sunday, February 2, 2020

Running on Empty

I’m exhausted. I have done nothing but run since New Years. I had the team meal on Tuesday, but without a full working kitchen, I had to resort to having it catered. It was a full hour late arriving to the school. I spent half an hour trying to locate it. So much for paying for someone else to do it and save me some time.
 This week we had the floors ripped out, hardwood put down and then stained “whiskey barrel” to match the stairs. This has been my living room for a week. 

Thursday the old wood floors were sanded. Dust is in every crevice of the first floor. 

But I came home from the airport to this!

I was TDY beginning Wednesday for a teacher leader conference in Georgia. I was able to reconnect with my TOY friends and create an action plan.

After working for four hours in my classroom this afternoon, I’m relieved to be home - even a messy home. Can I just sleep for the next two days?!?!

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