Sunday, February 23, 2020

My Favorite Season

My favorite season is finally here! The season of soccer is now playing. It doesn’t matter that the temp was 38 and the real feel was 28 at our first game. It doesn’t matter that I lost feeling in my toes for a good twelve hours. Soccer is here! 

Keagan played JV Thursday night and had an assist while playing left back. We won 3-1. Evan played varsity and also had an assist while playing center back. We won 4-1. We have two starters out for Tuesday’s game due to injuries. The struggle to remain healthy has begun, but it luckily doesn’t involve my kids. I can’t wait to see how this season unfolds.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Basketball Season

The JV team leaves the season with a 13-3 record. Evan had 19 points in last night’s game. In the varsity game, he went 1 for 1 on the foul line and had two steals. Next week the district tournament begins for the varsity team. 

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Soccer Showcase

Wes and Keagan spent the weekend in Memphis playing soccer and eating barbecue. My parents joined them for the fun and great spring-like weather. Saturday morning’s game against Illinois ended in a 1-1 tie. Last night’s game against Mississippi ended in a win of 3-0 and proved to be Keagan's best defensive game. I heard he was playing, coaching, and reffing throughout the game. When he made a great play up top feeding the ball to the striker, the goalie was overheard yelling, "I love you, Keagan!" It's so much more fun when you are winning! Today’s game against Memphis was a win of 4-0.

This text came to me after lunch from another parent on the team. 

This wraps up travel season. School soccer begins as soon as we lose our first district game in basketball. I can’t wait to see Thunder and Lightning play soccer together again.

We have more pictures of my parents with my boys in Memphis on the sidelines of the soccer fields than we do at our house. Here's one more for the collection.

Running on Empty

I’m exhausted. I have done nothing but run since New Years. I had the team meal on Tuesday, but without a full working kitchen, I had to resort to having it catered. It was a full hour late arriving to the school. I spent half an hour trying to locate it. So much for paying for someone else to do it and save me some time.
 This week we had the floors ripped out, hardwood put down and then stained “whiskey barrel” to match the stairs. This has been my living room for a week. 

Thursday the old wood floors were sanded. Dust is in every crevice of the first floor. 

But I came home from the airport to this!

I was TDY beginning Wednesday for a teacher leader conference in Georgia. I was able to reconnect with my TOY friends and create an action plan.

After working for four hours in my classroom this afternoon, I’m relieved to be home - even a messy home. Can I just sleep for the next two days?!?!