Monday, September 30, 2019

Hoco 2019

Hoco 2019 was a great night, but it didn’t go off as planned. First, Evan called Wes from work, just as Wes and Keagan were headed out the door for a soccer game, that he needed his bowtie tied. Wes couldn’t locate it, and after 30 min found it hanging on the hangar where I so neatly organized the boys’ formal wear the week before. The long search made Keagan late for warmups. Evan got home from reffing and decided to take a nap. He overslept and then had to rush to make it in time for pics. The AR for Keagan’s game was 45 min late arriving to the field, and that meant Keagan was missing now pics and dinner with his Hoco date and friends. Evan got to pics with a crooked tie and in every pic it is cock-eyed! He grabbed both corsages in his rush out the door, and when Keagan got home, he couldn’t find the one for his date. Keagan finally got to pics after sunset, and every pic was taken in the dark. So this is what I got! 

Next year I will be sure to avoid calendar conflicts and be home!

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