Sunday, April 21, 2019

Easter Happenings

He is risen! He is risen indeed! To save time, I cut and mixed the side dishes for the Easter dinner yesterday. I put the scalloped potatoes in the oven as we left for church. Wes worried all during the service we’d come home to the house burned down. We didn’t. Lunch was perfect! I even made a killer carrot cake.

Today was the first warm and sunny day all season. I wanted to sit outside, but to enjoy the outdoors, I needed the yard cleaned of dog poop. Keagan offered. But he protested the entire time! He suggested we change Ryker’s diet. He suggested Wes take him to the doctor. He returned to the house and said, “I spoke to Dad in Bible Verse, ‘Thou shall no person haven’t deal with that.’”

No dead bunny on our porch today. Maybelle is losing her touch in her old years. 

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